Welcome to Mel's 2024 Guide to Prague!

Welcome to Mel's Guide to Prague

“Prague never lets you go… this dear little mother has sharp claws” – Franz Kafka

This webpage is to help visitors to Prague make the most of their time here in the Mother of All Cities!

Did you enjoy a tour with Mel on a free walking tour with Verneus Prague? Leaving a review is a great way to show if you appreciated her tour! Make sure to include her name so that we know which guide you are reviewing :)

What you can find on Mel's Guide to Prague:

I also am a big fan of retro "early web" styled webpages, and put my own limited coding skills to use to create a page that helps you have a great time in Prague while enjoying the webpage creating process. Please explore the site and feel free to sign the guestbook like it's 1999!
